
Akta Perdamaian sebagai Upaya Penyelesaian Permasalahan Hukum: Pengertian dan Syarat-Syarat

Keberadaan hukum di Indonesia telah menjadi pilar utama dalam menjaga ketertiban dan keadilan dalam suatu masyarakat. Meskipun demikian, konflik atau benturan kepentingan yang terjadi antara individu-individu atau kelompok-kelompok tidak dapat dihindari dan mengakibatkan timbulnya permasalahan hukum. Permasalahan hukum yang terjadi tidak serta merta harus diselesaikan melalui berbagai proses di peradilan. Salah satu instrument yang muncul […]

Akta Perdamaian sebagai Upaya Penyelesaian Permasalahan Hukum: Pengertian dan Syarat-Syarat Read More »

Overhaul of the Fining System in the New Indonesian Criminal Code

Introduction Indonesia’s new Criminal Code, which was enacted on 2 January 2023 and shall enter into force on 2025, has introduced a number of significant changes to the country’s criminal justice system. One of the most notable changes is the introduction of a new fining system, which replaces the previous system of imprisonment as the

Overhaul of the Fining System in the New Indonesian Criminal Code Read More »

Void on the Regulation of Private Investigators in Indonesia: Are Private Investigators Legal?

Before discussing further investigations conducted by private investigators, firstly, we need to define investigations. Charles A. Sennewald, defines investigation like this: “An investigation is the examination, study, searching, tracking and gathering of factual information that answer questions or solves problems.”[1] In addition to mere fact-gathering, the private investigator is called upon to formulate logical hypotheses

Void on the Regulation of Private Investigators in Indonesia: Are Private Investigators Legal? Read More »

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